A Sprinkle of
Sweetness, Delivered.

Sprinkled is a scheduled delivery service that delivers sweet treats and ice cream.



UX/UI Designer

What I Did

Branding, UX Design, UI Design

How I Helped

Strategized, Designed & Prototyped the Sprinkled App

Designed an Interim Style Guide featuring color, type and photography style


An Even Sweeter
Delivery Experience

I designed a sweet User Experience for Sprinkled. I took a clean, clear and directional approach to the user flow. Followed by a simple menu and an even sweeter delivery experience.



Identify Product Goals

I began by identifying high level product goals. This made it easier to have a clear vision of the user flow, problems to solve for and ultimately designing the best solutions for the end user.

Scheduled Delivery • Opt In to Ice Cream in Your Area • A Simple Menu and Seamless Delivery Experience


Research & Discovery

With the product goals in mind, I began with a competitive analysis of other delivery services and ice cream brands. I also created a user flow and an information architecture system to discover the best way to navigate the user.



The next step in my process was to sketch low fidelity wireframes of how and where to show specific information that was important in navigating a user to schedule and ultimately make a purchase. This was followed by tightened up sketches and high fidelity wireframes in figma of the final user flow.

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A Unique Flavor of Branding

With a sweet business model, I started off with some basic branding elements. A logo, color palette and a pop of photography to begin an interim brand guidelines.

