Order in Seconds,
Delivered in Minutes.

goPuff is an on-demand delivery service that delivers 1,000s of products in minutes.



Designer: Consumer Product, Growth Marketing


Logo Design, Branding, UX Design, UI Design, Campaign Development, Animation, Digital Advertising, CRM


Directed Photography for consumer facing app & campaigns

Increased AOV & CTR by A/B testing different UX/UI design components on the consumer facing app

Increased CTI & CTR by A/B testing different creative on Email, Snapchat, Facebook & Instagram

Campaign Strategy and Design

Strategy, design & development of modular HTML email template library

Consumer Product Work


Delivering A Better Customer Experience

As a designer under the Consumer Product Team, we continuously improved the overall customer journey and experience. Through A/B testing different UX/UI Design, we were able to optimize the goPuff app to better suit the needs of the customer, creating a seamless Delivery Experience.



Identifying UX Problems

We began auditing the consumer facing app, identifying inconsistencies and UX problems within the user flow. After carefully determining what components and features were most important to optimize to fully leverage company product goals. We began our research and discovery phase.

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Researching & Discovering Solutions

With our consumer product goals in mind, we began our research and discovery phase. After studying competitor brands, I began sketching low fidelity wire frames of new features and reconceptualizing the design of our current product. This left us to apply our solutions, A/B test against our current product and verify our newest solutions through user data.


Applying, Testing & Verifying through Data

Through A/B testing numerous designs vs the current product. The consumer product team gained insights on user behavior and continued to optimize to deliver the best experience for our customers.



Category Tiles

Art Direction, Visual Design, UX/UI Design

I had the opportunity to work with the Photography Team in leading our Category Tile optimization.



Old Category Tiles

Our previous category tiles felt outdated and had little contrast from the category name.


Photography Exploration

We began A/B testing different styles of photography through our Paid Channels, CRM and the app.

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Iterating & Identifying

After numerous rounds of iterations, we determined a photo and category tile style.


Design Solution

We continued to optimize the visual design until determining the best solution based off of user data.



Product Header Redesign

Visual Design, UX/UI Design

I redesigned the product header with the addition of a new feature.


Previous Product Header

The previous product header felt outdated and there was a lot of wasted space that could be utilized.


Research & Discovery

I started with competitive research and conceptualizing alternative ways for users to navigate through our categories.


Low Fidelity Wireframes


High Fidelity Wireframes

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Design Solution

After numerous rounds of iterations, we A/B tested multiple designs against a control and determined a solution based off of user data. The solution was a simple addition to the product header that allowed the user to go from category to category. This resulted in faster check out times and product discovery.


Home Page & In
Category Carousels

Visual Design, UX Design

I designed a new carousel feature that allowed users to add items to cart right from the home page as well as make more products accessible from our in category pages.


Previous Home & In Category Experience

The previous experiences prevented product discovery and accessibility. The addition of carousels to our home page and in category pages allowed users to find and add items to cart quicker.


Research & Discovery

I started with researching our competitors and delivery apps and how they used carousels within their products. After discovering patterns and unique ways users could add and subtract items, I began sketching low fidelity wireframes.



Sub Category Navigation Redesign

Visual Design, UX/UI Design

I redesigned the sub category navigation. This allowed user to filter through products within our in category pages without scrolling down the page.
