Celebrity & Influencer
Landing Pages

Visual Design, UX Design, Creative Strategy, Digital Ads

I designed templates for our celebrity, influencer and BD partner landing pages as well as played a part in the overall creative strategy and digital ad content.


Creative Strategy


Serve an Ad or IG Story
through Partners Social Page

We targeted consumers with an Ad or from our celebrity partners social platform


Landing Page

This drove them to a landing page with an incentive to use goPuff


In Category Page

This then took users to a curated category page inside the app


Low Fidelity Wireframes

Screen Shot 2020-09-28 at 9.34.24 AM.png
Screen Shot 2020-09-28 at 9.34.43 AM.png

High Fidelity Wireframe

Screen Shot 2020-09-28 at 9.03.55 AM.png
Screen Shot 2020-09-28 at 9.03.45 AM.png



By taking a full funnel approach to our creative strategy. We were able to target consumers with a UGC style ad as well as use our Celebrity Partners social following as a way to drive users to the landing page. This had a huge impact in increasing CTI, purchasing behavior and lowering CAC.