Growth Marketing: CRM Work


Modular HTML Email Templates

With the help of the CRM team, we strategized, designed and developed a modular HTML email template library. This allowed us to scale our CRM Channel and continuously optimize our templates and overall design strategy.

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Our previous emails were 1 off designs and single image links.

Strategy & Approach

By designing modular templates that our crm team could plug and play with creative, we could dramatically scale this channel and offer multiple styles of a single email to test.

Iterating & Identifying

We continued to test amongst our email flows until determining the best solution from a creative and UX stand point.


CRM Interim Style Guide

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Low Fidelity Wireframes


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A Scalable & Iterative Solution

With a new creative strategy, we were able to A/B test multiple emails and different creative amongst our user base. This allowed us to gain insights on what type of creative or modules performed best and greatly impacted the scalability of this channel as we continued to optimize.